Friday, April 3, 2009

They're here!

Well, not here exactly. I'm at school, working on a Saturday. It feels wrong. My body and mind is pretty well convinced that it is Friday, maybe I should just temporarily change my calendar so that I will not feel bad.

And it's not all bad. We've done some good things this morning, and I've eaten 3 cinnamon rolls. I'd say that alone makes for a good morning!

Eric and Liz are at home - I think. Liz has a earache. I hope it was just flight-related and goes away soon!

We'll go out to dinner tonight and rest - then tomorrow get in to town and see some sights.

Time for lunch. The cafeteria is trying out a new menu item - Tacos and Cashew Chicken. How those go together, I'll never know....


1 comment:

rachel said...

the chashew chicken was yummy!