Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Amazing progress!

I cannot believe my eyes.

In the last 2.5 days, we have painted our living room, kitchen, main hallway, and bedroom. 6 pieces of Ikea furniture have been assembled. 2 bathrooms have been given a deep cleaning (Rachel's mom even recaulked the tub. Unbelievable!) and the kitchen has been degreased and sanitized from floor to ceiling. Many (but not all) boxes have been unpacked and the majority of the areas (if you ignore the closets and laundry room) are free of clutter.

I'd say that this place could easily go for another $100 rent based on the improvements we have made. Easy.

Big thanks to the unstoppable Miller family for their help in getting this place in a respectable condition. Becca walked in today and said, "Oh, this place actually looks like a house now, and not a crime scene anymore." Thanks for the compliment?

Grandpa John (Rachel's Dad's Dad) is coming on Amtrak tomorrow, and my parents will be in town on Friday. It will be a full house!


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