Friday, July 2, 2010

The Taste, and clean up day #1

This afternoon after my interview, we treated ourselves to a trip downtown for the Taste of Chicago. There's nothing like an overwhelming horde of sweaty people jammed into small areas while eating food from street vendors to remind you of China!

We took Becca along, for experience sake and because we owe her big for helping us move and clean the place up.

As you can see above, Rachel forgot her sunglasses. It was a hot, sunny day. This is Rachel's squinty face.

People are very divided on Taste of Chicago. Detractors say it is too hot, too crowded, overpriced, and a scam. While it may be a little pricey, I tend to agree with those who attend, that it is fun to be downtown while eating good food from Chicago's famous restaurants. The only problem was trying to keep ourselves from buying the food from our local restaurants - we should just walk out and eat at those places!!

The rest of the evening was spent trying to put our lives here in order. It will take awhile. Rachel stayed up a couple hours after I went to sleep, and managed to get some things organized. I was impressed.

Today, with much help from Becca, we: washed dishes, cleaned the kitchen cupboards, cleaned one bathroom, cleaned the laundry area, and put some dishes away. The exhaust hose from the dryer was disconnected; who knows how long that fire hazard was left unnoticed.

What will one day be our bedroom

Becca cleaning the kitchen

Rachel doing nothing on our "new" couch

We also found out tonight the value of screens. We went out to buy a bookcase off Craiglist, and when we returned the landlord was on the stoop. He helped us carry inside, and then stayed to chat a bit. There is a front door (which was open) and a tiny vestibule that leads to our apartment and upstairs. Both were open as he stood there. Finally, Rachel asked him to close the door....but the damage was done, and Rachel commenced using the Shop Vac to suck up hundreds of little gnats that had migrated towards our living room lights. Yuck.


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