Sunday, July 18, 2010

Wedding pictures

Now that Sarah and Dave are returning from their honeymoon in Kona, Hawaii, I figured I should come back and post a few pictures.

Not that we have many - Rachel had the camera, but was somewhat busy due to her matron-of-honor responsibilities. (matron? really? my wife is a matron?) Dave's cousins are professional photographers, and based on the quality of the engagement pics I am sure they will end up with a nice album.

The wedding went off with few major glitches. We had fun, and the food was great. But most importantly, they got married.

This cake was ordered by Sarah for Dave, who is a big superman fan. It was made by Dave's friends, who are obviously talented cake makers. It looked great and tasted better. (Any of my friends want to bake me a cake?)

The following are from the bachelorette party a couple days before the wedding. I cannot comment too much about it, other than to say I was the lackey/chauffeur for this event. I drove the girls downtown to the Peninsula Hotel for afternoon tea. Sarah was in my car, completely confused about where we were going and totally surprised when we pulled up to a hotel. From there they walked down to Millennium Park, where I had driven their mom with supplies necessary for a big picnic. They arrived just in time to hear a performance by the Grant Park Symphony Orchestra.


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