Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The paint train has come to town

Yesterday, I traveled to O'Hare to pick up Rachel's parents and brother, who flew in for Sarah's wedding this coming weekend. After a flurry of activity, we got the apartment in a reasonable state of cleanliness and order prior to their arrival.

We helped with some wedding tasks in the morning, but Rachel's Dad was insistent in his calls for us to get back to our apartment and start painting.

Which we did - from 2 in the afternoon until 11 at night. We finished about half the house. I could not believe it. He is an endless vault of painting energy. When I woke up at 8:30, he was in the living room using the last of the paint to do some edging.

It has made a big improvement. This place had been rehabbed in 2005, but obviously was not maintained since then - no cleaning, no maintenance. So I feel there is a good apartment hidden in here, under the grime and scuffed walls. We'll see if we can make it reappear.

The goal is to keep painting and finish up within the week.


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