Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Seasons changing

This morning on the way to school, the moon was out and clearly visible in the sky above me. This is remarkable for many reasons - (1) the sky is clear enough for the moon to show. No clouds, no smog. That means today will probably be sunny and warm! (2) During the morning scooter ride to school, it is still dark. No daylight savings time in China, so I will have to live through the next 4-5 months of less morning light. I wish school started just a little later so that it could be light when I wake up. That would be so great!

So despite the sunshine and warmth of the past few days, sickness is everywhere here. The vomiting child on the volleyball trip seemed to spread his germs to others, so each day there are a significant number of kids from that trip absent. Yesterday in my 7th grade science class, there were a half-dozen kids in surgical masks. It was a startling sight to see, but when it was quiet and I listened to the cacophony of coughing fits across the room, I understood better.


1 comment:

Karen Allmen said...

It's here too. Yesterday, every class I visited had an average of 5 kids home sick. And feverish children lined up on the chairs in the office every day, waiting for mom or dad to come pick them up.

I'm bathing in Purell, chugging OJ by the gallon, and drinking lots of coffee (I read somewhere that drinking hot liquids helps one avoid flu... don't know if it's true, but if it justifies extra lattes, I'll try it).

And the best part is that THIS WEEK an administrative-type person decided that hand sanitizer with more than 60% alcohol shouldn't be at school, since it would be too flammable (or maybe the kids would lick their hands and get a buzz?)... but every brand I've checked has 62%. Now, I know there are arguments about sanitizer only making the problem worse, but I think you have to allow us that small bit of comfort when a quarter of our population has this fever/aching/coughing/disgustingness. Great timing!

Stay healthy, Alan and Rachel! Drink lots of lattes!