Thursday, November 19, 2009

Top ways to cope with being wife-less

1) Work 12+ hour days
2) Bring and extra pillow and an electric blanket to bed to make up for lost heat
3) Turn on music to break the silence at home
4) Turn the heat up, because no one else is around to complain to
5) Be thankful that my house helper is around, otherwise I would not eat any vegetables

Well, it has been a couple days since the team left. I have not heard much from them - other than a one-line email this afternoon from Rachel. So at least I know they are alive!

Otherwise, I have very little exciting to say. I have been working more than I should (It was 9pm when I left school on Wednesday. I take all the bad things I ever said about Cheng and her indentured servitude to Ladder-Up.) I still do not really feel "caught up," but I am getting there. I have written some good labs, and the progress report grades I submitted this week were much better than the quarter grades (in terms of how many D's and F's I gave out). So there are good things to say about it all - but I would not say it has been much fun!

Tomrrow's Friday....will I finally get home before 7??


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